Sept 2011

Monday, March 30, 2009

4 month check-up

I had my 4 month check-up today and received great news! Although this wasn't a sonogram day, we did get to hear the heartbeat and "heard" movement. The nurse explained that when we heard certain bumps that the baby was moving, even though I can't feel it just yet...Baby's heartrate was 154, while at 12 weeks it was 164, and at 9 weeks it was 182. Never before would I have thought that everything would hang on something as "simple" as a heartbeat! It really gives new meaning and understanding to the references in the Bible of the "heart." For example, "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." Prov. 4:23.

The nurse measured my belly and said that I am measuring at 18 weeks even though I'm only 16 weeks. No problem, just information!

The best news of the day, however, is that I've only gained 1 pound in 4 months!!! I was half-way anticipating a gain of 8-10 pounds. I'm so hungry and I feel like I eat a lot, so 1 pound was a pleasant shock! (I'm sure it will all come eventually, but for now, I'm excited!) :-)

Thank you, everyone, for your prayers...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A new look and an update...

Well, tomorrow I will be 4 months pregnant! Today I went through a bunch of borrowed maternity clothes and picked out some pants and jeans that I'm going to start wearing... My clothes are just too tight and uncomfortable. It's time for a new look!! :-)

Jeff and I have decided we're not going to find out if it's a girl or a boy...He wanted to know and I didn't, but neither of us had any solid reasons, so we're not going to find out. It's funny to hear people's opinion on this...some people are such planners that they would die if they didn't find out! Others, like me, think it's such a great surprise! We've started tossing around some names for boys and girls. I think we've settled on a girls name, but we've agreed to not tell anyone else. A boys name on the other hand has been very difficult... we don't have any possibilities at this point! Being a teacher and trying to pick out a name is pretty difficult! Many boys names that I think of or read remind me of a current or former student. Sometimes those memories are good, but sometimes they aren't!

I've been feeling some flutterings as of late... about every other day or so... I think I might be feeling baby moving, but it's hard to say! I'm anxious to ask my ob on Monday when I go. Generally, I've been feeling really good! Most of the time I have a really good appetite, but have to watch what I eat. I've had troubles with heartburn pre-pregnancy, and it's starting to flair up a little now. As long as I keep acids to an absolute minimum and only drink water, I seem to be okay without any meds. I can definately feel my muscles stretching! Some days after school, my back aches a lot, but once I lay down for an hour or so, I feel better. Jeff has been so kind! When I come home from school and lay down and sleep for 2 hours, he gets himself some dinner and just lets me sleep! I don't know what I would do without him!

Speaking of sleep... it's almost 9:30 and I'm ready to go to bed!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

News, News, Glorious News!

It's been a long road, directed by the will of the Lord and in His complete control. The journey is far from over...rather, it's just beginning! Jeff and I are excited to announce that we are going to have a baby! We found out Jan. 10th (the day after Jeff's 30th birthday) that we were expecting! Because of past miscarriages, we have kept it to ourselves and family for the last 7 and a half weeks, but now I'm 13 1/2 weeks and we have seen baby's hearbeat 3 different times and have confidence that this baby is developing very normally. We are due Sept. 13th!

We are so very thankful to the Lord for all that He has taught us in the last 10 months. We are also very thankful for all of you who have been praying for us. We know now, more than ever before, that we serve an awesome God who knows the beginning from the end. If you think of it, please continue to pray for us!