I'm gonna try to keep it short and sweet! I had a sonogram on Tuesday to see how big baby is at this point. I'm 34 1/2 weeks, but baby was measuring 36 1/2 weeks and about 6 lbs. 8 oz!! I understand, though, that the sonogram machines can be off, so that's what I'm hoping for! My doctor did say that baby is growing very quickly and is large, so I'll have either a non-stress test or a sonogram each week until baby is born. Here are some pictures! Enjoy!! P.S. Jeff guesses that I'll go about another 3 weeks! I LOVE his optimism! :-)Side profile of baby's face with LOTS of hair!!
Look really carefully... can you see lips, nose and chin??

Little baby feet!!

I did a couple of deals yesterday at Target and Office Max that just made my day!!! I'm so excited to share them!

This was at Office Max... before coupons, sales, and deals, my total came to just over $35... I PAID 99 CENTS!!! The Expo markers were B1G1 for 1 cent and I had coupons to stack with them... the Sharpies were 1 cent each with a coupon.... and I received a $10 reward card in the mail just for signing up for a MaxPerks card for teachers!! Very cool!

Here is my Target deal for the week!! I bought...
10 packages of Sharpie Highlighters
2 packages of stickers
2 Healthy Choice meals
2 packages of Poptarts
1 clear nail polish
1 L'Oreal kids shampoo
Before coupons my total came to around $30....after coupons, I spent $4.27!!! Whew... I'm heading to Walgreens this morning to see what I can find!! We'll see how it goes!!
UPDATE: Walgreens shopping trip!
I ran to Walgreens this morning... total before coupons and such: $42 and some change... Here's what I got!
1 bottle Dawn dish soap
4 bottles Pert Plus shampoo
2 cans Pringles
2 tubes Crest
2 Oral B toothbrushes
2 72ct. Huggies wipes
3 Sure Men's AP/Deo
1 L'Oreal lipstick
1 bottle aspirin
Total after coupons and RR's: $16, plus I got a $5 RR, so really only $11!! WooHoo!!
Now it's naptime! :-)