Sept 2011

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Whew! Has it been long enough???

I know, I know... when my mom is telling me it's time to update my blog, then it really is time! It was a rough fall and blogging really fell to the wayside... I'm feeling a little more with it now and after visiting with a dear friend, I've decided that I really need to stick with it a little more! (Thanks, Val!)

So, on my mind recently has been God's control over every situation in my life. I've been known to be a bit of a control freak, so it's been difficult to let go of situations. But my security has been in knowing the nothing I go through in my life is unknown to God. He has filtered every situation through His ultimate plan for my life and has "worked (it) together for good." Rom. 8:28

That's all for now... I'll be back soon!


Valerie said...

Jean, I hear ya on the control issues! It is so hard for me to let go at times; especially when I struggle with infertility! I do try to keep in mind that I am living God's plan for my life, but, understand! Looking forward to keeping in touch via your blog! Val

Valerie said...

Hey girl!

Thanks for stopping by! I love, love, love your TCBOTB background. The paisley is one of my favorite!!!

If you haven't had a chance, check out this blog Between Naps on the Porch.

She is truly amazing with her home interior decorating AND she uses the same cute background that you do! (And, no...she is not an interior decorator by day, she is acutally a social worker for the county or state and said in a post that her job can be downright depressing and so she needs positivie inspriration when she gets home! I've recently become addicted to visiting her blog and have begun to tackle some home decorating projects of my own. Nothing major, but just some finishing touches so that Chris, the kids and I can call our house "home".

Blessings to you!

Eryn said...

yeah! an update! cant wait to hear how you are doing.

Valerie said...

Hope you check this...I will be at Bunco tomorrow night!

See ya soon,
