Sept 2011

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

News, News, Glorious News!

It's been a long road, directed by the will of the Lord and in His complete control. The journey is far from over...rather, it's just beginning! Jeff and I are excited to announce that we are going to have a baby! We found out Jan. 10th (the day after Jeff's 30th birthday) that we were expecting! Because of past miscarriages, we have kept it to ourselves and family for the last 7 and a half weeks, but now I'm 13 1/2 weeks and we have seen baby's hearbeat 3 different times and have confidence that this baby is developing very normally. We are due Sept. 13th!

We are so very thankful to the Lord for all that He has taught us in the last 10 months. We are also very thankful for all of you who have been praying for us. We know now, more than ever before, that we serve an awesome God who knows the beginning from the end. If you think of it, please continue to pray for us!



Valerie said...

I am so excited for you!!! May your pregnancy continue to be healthy and without complication. Blessings to you.

Eryn said...

oh! congratulations! how exciting. i will be praying for a healthy, happy baby!

Caleb and Anna said...

Congratulations Jean! We are only one week apart. I am still feel nauseated... some days better than others but I was hoping I would be all clear by now. The Lord knows! I appreciate your faith. Every life is a maricle from Him! Anna

Anonymous said...

I'm sooo excited for you. Praying that all will go well.