Sept 2011

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Financial Adventure and A Walgreens Deal!

So I decided to take a break from baby-blogging and share some of the financial adventure that my husband, Jeff, and I have been on since January. In January, Jeff and I decided to take the Financial Peace University class offered by Dave Ramsey. It's a 13 week intensive financial class based on Biblical standards and old-fashioned common sense. We both learned a TON and have put many ideas into practice. First and foremost, we decided that we want to be free of debt as is indicated in the Bible. Proverbs 22:7 says "The rich rule over the poor and the borrower is servant to the lender." We didn't want to be enslaved to someone else! So, here are some of the practices that we have put into place to achieve our goal of being free from debt!

1: Cut up all credit cards and purposed to never use credit again...

2. Bi-weekly budget, completed TOGETHER, spending each dollar that we earn before we get it! This has been a fantastic time to learn about each others desires and financial goals. We've been able to discuss financial needs and save for things that we want!

3. Cash envelope system for groceries, clothes, entertainment, garage sales, gifts, prescriptions, and gas. I was not very excited about moving to a cash system, but now I feel the freedom that it provides and LOVE IT!! I wouldn't want to go back to the way it was before!

4. Bi-weekly cash our budget, Jeff and I agree on a certain amount of cash for each person to have and spend/save at their leisure. In the past, it's been only $10 per 2 weeks, which is a very small amount, but we are super dedicated to paying off debt and each dollar that we give ourselves is another dollar NOT paying off debt! Recently, we have upped it to $20, but it may not stay that way...

These changes have enabled us to save like we have never saved before! Here are some of our successes:

1. Paid 0ff-Terminix-$1500

2. Paid off-my car-$2500

3. Paid off-Jeff's car-$9000

So, since January 2009, we have paid off $13,000 in debt!! We are very excited and are now working on paying off our 2nd mortgage. We have a goal to pay it off in 1 year (by July of 2010)!

I've posted all this, not only to encourage those of you who are also working to become debt free, but also to share my adventure in couponing and "dealing"!!

My mom got me started on clipping coupons, stacking coupons with sales, getting great deals on groceries and household items. I feel like this is me doing my part to help our family be good stewards of the money that the Lord has given to us. A deal I did today was at Walgreens... here is a picture of what I got and what I spent! I will say, if you are interested in couponing and making great deals, go to She is fantastic and is a Christian that I trust!

On this trip to Walgreens, I got:


Quilten Northern-$2.89

Lady Speed Stick-$1.25 for 2 ($.75 each)

Loreal lipstick-$1.29

Jane eyeliner-$.87

Crest toothpaste-$1.50

Oral B toothbrush-$1.75

TOTAL: $12.04, BUT I got a $2.00 registar reward to use on my next purchase at Walgreens, so I really only spent $10.04!!

I love getting good deals!! It takes some time, but it's totally worth it! I'm planning to go to CVS tomorrow and get some more good deals, so I'll post them when I'm finished!


Anonymous said...

Wow!!!!! That is majorly impressive the amount of debt that you've paid off in 7 months. That's definately something my husband and I should work on. Right now we're just relying on our $8000 tax credit from buying a house, but I know that a better way would be to adjust our lifestyle. Congrats and I hope you meet all your goals!!!!

bandanachick said...

AWESOME!!! I'm so proud of you guys, that sounds like a ton of work, but I know it will be worth it, great job!

Caleb and Anna said...

Good job and thanks for sharing! I know it's a bigger impact to see the cash go out than to just swipe a card- makes you think harder about each purchase which is good!